A Quick Look at My Most Used Halo 4 Class

When I first started Halo 4 back in November, I was dreading the whole class/perks system – I didn’t want one of my favorite FPS games to become like Call of Duty. However, as I played and got used to the 343 version of Halo, it quickly grew on me. Customization is extremely addictive, as can be shown in Call of Duty, Mass Effect, and Army of Two. Here, I’ll show you my favorite class thus far.

Gun: DMR

Halo 4 DMR

Secondary: Assault Rifle
Grenade: Sticky
Armor Ability: Jetpack
Tactical Package: Firepower
Support Package: Awareness

At first, I didn’t care much for the DMR in Halo 4. It was good in Halo Reach, but I just couldn’t muster up the courage to actively use it after I had already started using the Carbine, seeing as the DMR had relatively low ammo. However, I finally used it and I fell in love. It is basically a mini sniper rifle. It takes 4 headshots to kill someone. It is just plain awesome.

For the packages, I figured it would be useful to carry 2 primary weapons (Firepower) since ammo is extremely scarce since weapons dropped almost immediately disappear. Awareness is very useful for those who, like myself, like to snipe (or whine about not getting the sniper rifle, which is my case most of the time). With Awareness, I can have a motion sensor visible while I am zoomed in with the scope.

My armor ability of choice is Jetpack, because I like to fly around. And buzz. Like a bumblebee.

Sticky ‘nades are my chosen grenades since I am fairly good at sticking people with them. The only thing that 343 did that is frustrating is nerfing the grenades. No longer can you spam grenades like in the Halo 3 days of having 4 grenades handy (including the incineration grenades I reminisce about often).

Now that I have my favorite class exposed to the world who can now exploit it, what are you favorite perks or weapons of choice?

My Favorite Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Classes

I must start off saying I hate his game with a passion. I hate just about as much as Modern Warfare 2, and I think I hate that game more than any other game I’ve played. However, it is extremely addictive, so I have a lot of time put into this game. I only use the same 2 or 3 guns, so I only really have 3 classes. Hence, I’ll share my hatred with you all.


While the MK-14 is the strongest Assault Rifle in the game, it is also the best. It is single shot and whence takes skill to use. Let’s just say when I use this gun, I can hear people yell. All the way from their house. With my naked ear. Okay, through my TV, but nonetheless it makes them angry.

I pair this up with an ACOG scope and Kick along with Blind Eye, Assassin Pro, and Marksman. My “grenades” are bouncing betty and flash bang. The streak package is Support: UAV > Counter UAV > Escort Drop. I use generally the same perk/grenade/streak package setup with all classes.



Given the AS50 and the Barrett .50 cal have the same amount of damage (which is maximum damage), the AS50 is the better choice because in this COD game, the Barrett is shitty. It was okay in Black Ops, but I just don’t like in MW3. Hell, I never even made an effort to use sniper rifles in the COD games before MW3. I really like this gun because it is extremely powerful and if you can hit the enemy on the first shot, they’re generally dead (or put into last stand). I use an ACOG scope and Kick with this so I can use it like a shotgun/close range. As I said above, I use the same perks/grenades/strike package setup.



Okay, this is my last class, because the two above classes are all I use. But I do have a backup class which isn’t too bad, but it would definitely be better if I were Level 80. I just prestiged, so I do not have all the weapons.

Shotguns are pretty lame, most of the sniper rifles are lame, the Submachine guns are definitely lame, the light machine guns are so-so… ergo saying that, the only worth guns are the assault rifles.

The other gun I’m using is the CM901. It gets the job done. When I think it fails me, it gets one last shot in and I’m still alive. So it is a good little gun. I use the red dot sight with Kick

I changed up the perks on this class: Scavenger > Hardline > Marksman. The grenades and strike package are the same, except I use a knife instead of bouncing betty.


There ya go. There are my favorites from a game I absolutely loathe. I’ll continue to play this game, get angry, yell at the TV, and have my neighbors think we are cray cray.